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Preparing Images

If you use Strapi, you can skip this step and go directly to the Usage with Strapi section.

Components Pack assumes that each image is stored in multiple sizes, with each size having a prefix that corresponds to its width.

You can use the following script to generate images in different sizes:

import sharp from 'sharp';
const CWD = process.cwd();
const FOLDER = process.cwd() + "/path/to/your/folder/";
const images = [
// ...
/** specify how to resize the images and how to name them */
/** assume that each photo has a 3/2 aspect ratio - of course it is not a requirement */
const specification = [
{ height: 20, prefix: "thumbnail_" }, // width: 30
{ height: 320, prefix: "hvga_" }, // width: 480
{ height: 480, prefix: "wvga_" }, // width: 720
{ height: 860, prefix: "hd_" }, // width: 1290
{ height: 1280, prefix: "fhd_" }, // width: 1920
{ height: 1600, prefix: "" }, // width: 2400 ~ similar to qhd - default, no prefix
const defaults = {
withoutEnlargement: true,
// sharp will process all the images in all specifications
const allProcesses = [];
for (const img of images) {
for (const spec of specification) {
sharp(__dirname + img.path)
// resize the image
.resize(Object.assign(defaults, spec))
// save to file
.toFile(FOLDER + spec.prefix +
// log the result
.then(newFileInfo => console.log("Success", newFileInfo))

You can see this script in action here.

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