Svelte - Usage
The base-pack Store
In Svelte Pack, the base-pack store is located at window.sveltePack
console.log(window.sveltePack); // Here it is!
1. Photo and PhotoViewer
Import styles and PhotoViewer once, preferably in the layout file:
<script lang="ts">import "@matb85/base-pack/dist/index.css"; // or your custom stylesimport PhotoViewer from '@matb85/svelte-pack/PhotoViewer.svelte';</script>
Use the Photo component everywhere you need an image:
<script lang="ts">import Photo from '@matb85/svelte-pack/Photo.svelte';</script>
<Photo src="/thumbnail_mountains.jpg" sizes={[1290]} className="your-class" group="mountains" alt="Portrait of a bird" /><Photo src="/thumbnail_gorge.jpg" sizes={[480, 720]} className="your-class" group="mountains" alt="Dunajec Gorge" />
2. PhotoMultiViewer
Use the PhotoMultiViewer component to display full screen image sliders:
<script lang="ts">import "modular-slider/modular-slider.css"; // PhotoMultiViewer needs modular-slider stylesimport PhotoMultiViewer from '@matb85/svelte-pack/PhotoMultiViewer.svelte';</script>
3. Map
Use the Map component to efficiently load Google Maps JS SDK:
<script lang="ts">import Map from '@matb85/svelte-pack/Map.svelte';import type { MapCallbackT } from '@matb85/base-pack';
const mapCallback: MapCallbackT = (domMap: HTMLElement) => { // The Goole Maps script has been loaded, the google object is available // The map is ready to be initialized};</script>
<Map class="your-map-class" apikey="YOUR_API_KEY" callback={mapCallback} />